Thursday, April 12, 2007

Washington here we come!

Hello everybody. So tomorrow Emilee, Zeke, Anna, and myself are flying to Washington for Ladies' Retreat!!! Yay! I'm so excited. Unfortunately Sister Bear will not be going so I am now a TAP (talk and prayer) group leader. Please pray for me and the ladies in my group. I normally like to be way prepared for this sort of thing but you can only be so prepared in a few days time unless the Lord helps. He has already given me the first two TAP session outlines but I still need Sundays'. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

In other news Emilee, myself and all of our small people went out to the V's for knitting lessons yesterday. It was lots of fun and Sis. V made this great fruit thing. Mmmm it was so good. Abbie got in on the lessons too. She is so cute. The kids both fell asleep on the way home. Oh please pray for Anna she has had a fever for the last couple days. I really want her to be well for our trip.

The last picture you will see when you scroll down is a raccoon I spotted in the neighbor's tree last night. He even posed for me. What a guy.

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EmileeAnn said...

Cool picture of the racoon!

cokelady said...

That is cool! And the kids are okay, too. ;-)

HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! I'm so happy for you guys--you'll remember this trip for the rest of your life, so live it up and have a ball!!! (Like you haven't already been planning on it...) Oh, and try to do something spiritual while you're up there, too. ;-) I'll pray for your last minute TAP dance.

Momma Tammi said...

Great pictures! It was soooo good to see you guys and to get in a game of Phase 10 Dice. It was nice to get a refresher course in how to count. ~giggle~ I didn't realize how much I missed you guys until I had to say goodbye AGAIN! Hope you had a good flight back home. Love ya!

Haley Rachelle said...

Retreat was so great and Sister Tammi I miss you already! You are right Becki there is no way I'm ever going to forget this trip it was way too funny and fun to forget. Someday soon I'll blog with pictures. Oh, and I met the infamous Lyndi. She is great I encouraged her to come back to the blogging world. Thank you for praying for my TAP dance. I think it went well. :)

Anonymous said...

great pictures! you have a very nice looking family!!
Glad you had fun at the retreat without me..boohoo!

I was looking forward to meeting all these blogger ladies!! But mostly you..someday i hope!!