Monday, January 25, 2010

Making Bouncy Balls

Sam got a bouncy ball kit for Christmas. He had to pour the different colored sand like stuff into a platstic mold and then place the mold in water for a minute. Then presto change-o he had a bouncy ball. He really liked it and even shared with his sister.
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Tammy Washburn said...

How fun! They didn't have cool stuff like that when I was a kid. I would have drove my mom crazy.

EmileeAnn said...

Wow! Those look like lots of fun! And LOTS of mess! :-)

Haley Rachelle said...

Sis. Tammy - I am willing to bet you found other ways. :)

Em - They were lots of fun and not too much of a mess. I was just glad Sam shares so good.

Tammy Washburn said...

hahahahahaha! You betta believe it!