Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ladie's Retreat

  This is Chris Clarkson, you know how he is, always wants to be with the girls. He was actually helping to shuttle up all of the Ladie's luggage, seeing as how with all of the snow, 28" to be exact, only four-wheel-drive vechicles could make it up to our cabin. It took two and a half hours to get everyone to retreat.
  Here is Chris' lovely wife Shanda.
  Michelle didn't want her picture taken like usual so Sister Shuler is holding her hands down in this one so she can't block the camera.
  Posted by Picasa Here is crazy Karen and Kaufmen (Tammy).
So, retreat was grand. We had so much fun and lots of snowball fights. Most of us stayed up late and woke up too early. We had some set backs due to the snow but I don't think we would have changed that if we could. Even the set backs were fun. For me anyway. And best of all the presence of the Lord was so sweet. There was a beautiful Spirit of surrender as the Ladies came ready to worship God and recieve soemthing from Him. This is the kind of retreat you think back on years from now and smile big. It was wonderful.

1 comment:

Momma Tammi said...

Thanks for sharing the pics. They made me a bit homesick. I miss all you so much! Love you!